We have been worshipping in the Tarn since 2004 and in Brens since 2009.
Our regular services are all held at 11.00 am followed by coffee, and we also have regular social events where everyone is welcome. Come and join us and be part of our growing congregation.
We hold Holy Communion services on the 1st and 3rd Sunday, and Morning Prayer on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month.
Date | Time | Event |
Sunday 9th February | 11h00 | Zoom Morning Prayer, Tricia Launders |
Sunday 16th February | 11h00 | Holy Communion by extension, Paul Gifford |
Sunday 23rd February | 11h00 | Zoom Morning Prayer, Robin Johnston |
Sunday 2nd March | 11h00 | Holy Communion by extension, Paul Gifford |
Sunday 9th March | 11h00 | Zoom Morning Prayer, Tricia Launders |
Sunday 16th March | 11h00 | Holy Communion by extension, Paul Gifford |
Sunday 23rd March | 11h00 | Zoom Morning Prayer, Tricia Launders |
Weekly Notices
Sunday 9th February - 11h00 - Zoom Morning Prayer led by Tricia Launders
The Fourth Sunday before Lent
The Readings are:-
Isaiah 6:1–8 [9–13]
Psalm 138
1 Corinthians 15:1–11
Luke 5:1–11
The Collect is:-
O God,
you know us to be set
in the midst of so many and great dangers,
that by reason of the frailty of our nature
we cannot always stand upright:
grant to us such strength and protection
as may support us in all dangers
and carry us through all temptations;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
Sunday 16th February - 11h00 - Holy Communion by extension celebrated by Paul Gifford
Prayer is an important part of our Christian lives: it unites us as a body. Here are some suggestions for private prayer. If you have a prayer request for yourself or for someone else, with or without a name or details, please contact Robin Johnston who can be contacted on 05 63 33 12 76 or by E-mail here
The next Brens Zoom Service is on Sunday 9th. February - Zoom link below:
Meeting ID: 897 4716 1866
Passcode: 917372
We Pray:
- For those who gave their lives for our freedom
- For a ceasefire in the Ukraine and Gaza.
- For all who are suffering physical and emotional pain
- For Robin Johnston's Brother in Law and for Tony Lyons
- For all who are grieving. May God give them comfort
Collection for Restos du Cœur (Next Collection Date to be Adivised)
Many thanks for the generosity of our congregation. Restos really appreciates our gifts. Sincere thanks to Ian and Penelope for collecting and delivering the goods. Their commitment to Resto is very much appreciated.
For the next collection, please bear in mind that Restos du Coeur requires any food which can be microwaved or even made edible just by immersing in boiling water. Also they have a good many single people as customers so small sizes please!
Future Services
There will now be services at Brens on the first and third Sunday of each month and Zoom services on the second, and fourth Sunday of each month.
The Safeguarding Officer for Brens is Peter Gibbs, who can be contacted by E-mail here, for further information on the Chaplaincy Safeguarding Policy visit our Safeguarding page.
L'Eglise St. Eugène, Côté de l'Eglise, 81600 Brens
Brens is to the south of the river outside Gaillac.
GPS co-ordinates: 43° 53.344′ N 1° 54.464′ E
Holy Commuinion services are normally celebrated by Rev'd June Hutchinson, who can be contacted by E-mail here.
Our Reader is Peter Gibbs, who can be contacted by E-mail here.
Our Chaplaincy Churchwardens are Tricia Launders, who can be contacted by E-mail here and Gill Heyworth, who can be contacted by E-mail here.
Our Chaplaincy Council Representative is Penelope Wanklyn, who can be contacted by E-mail here and Liz Pearson, who can be contacted by E-mail here.