Welcome to the Toulouse Anglican Church

Toulouse NDA

We have been worshipping in Toulouse since 1965.

We are an extremely diverse bunch of people, all united in our desire to follow Jesus daily and to bring others to know Him.

We hold Service of the Word on 1st Sundays and Holy Communion Services on 3rd Sundays. Our services are led by a team of clergy and lay people each of whom bring a different flavour to the worship. The team includes Rev Jacqueline Rodwell, and our Congregational Worship Leaders Sam, Zena, Bill and John.

Whilst our services are all Anglican in structure, our congregation is made up of people from many differing denominations each of whom find themselves most at home and welcome worshipping with us.


Upcoming events in Toulouse
Sunday 16th February10h30Holy Communion, Revd Jacqueline Rodwell
Sunday 2nd March10h30Service of the Word
Sunday 16th March10h30Holy Communion, Revd Jacqueline Rodwell


Weekly Notices

Sunday 16th February - 10h30 - Holy Communion celebrated by Revd Jacqueline Rodwell

The Third Sunday before Lent

The Readings are:-

Jeremiah 17:5–10
Psalm 1
1 Corinthians 15:12–20
Luke 6:17–26


The Collect is:-

Almighty God,
who alone can bring order
to the unruly wills and passions of sinful humanity:
give your people grace
so to love what you command
and to desire what you promise,
that, among the many changes of this world,
our hearts may surely there be fixed
where true joys are to be found;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.


Sunday 2nd March - 10h30 - Service of the Word

Sunday Club

We have a well stocked Children’s corner with activities. We aim to restart once a month this Autumn.

Music Group

We have a dedicated worship group who provide wonderful leadership for our singing. Thanks to them, we enjoy a great mix of traditional hymns and more modern worship songs.




The Safeguarding Officer for Toulouse is awaiting appointment in the meantime, please contact Celia Scott from our safeguarding page, for further information on the Chaplaincy Safeguarding Policy visit our Safeguarding page.



Notre Dame de l’Assomption, 23 rue Larade, 31200 Toulouse

Note the church entrance is in rue Clausade

By Car

Leave the Peripherique at Exit 31 (Minimes), (a) From the South, take the first exit from the sliproad roundabout, heading East (direction Minimes), (b) From the North, loop round, going back over the Rocade, and take the second exit from the roundabout (direction Minimes). Cross the canal. At the T junction at the end of Avenue d'Eiche, turn left into Boulevard de Suisse which then becomes Boulevard Silvio Trentin. At the “Barriere de Paris” roundabout take the 4th exit into Boulevard des Etats Unis.. Take the 3rd left into Rue Larade. At the end of the road, turn left and you have arrived! Notre Dame de l'Assomption is a large concrete 1960's Church on your left. Parking is in the small car park or on the street.

By Metro

Take Metro line B (connects with line A at station Jean Jaurès) to Barrière de Paris. Take the middle exit 'Sortie vers Avenue des Etats-Unis'. At the top of the stairs head up the road on your right (Avenue des Etats-Unis) past Midas. Continue past Rue Pierre Rubens to the second road on your left, Rue Ste-Mélanie. Walk down here and take the first right into Rue Clausade. The church is on your right.

GPS co-ordinates: 43° 37’ 42.07”N  1° 25’ 51.27”E



Holy Commuinion services are normally celebrated by Rev'd Jacqueline Rodwell, who can be contacted by E-mail here.

Other services are led by Congregational Worship Leaders.

Our Chaplaincy Churchwardens are Tricia Launders, who can be contacted by E-mail here and Gill Heyworth, who can be contacted by E-mail here.

Our Chaplaincy Council Representative is Sam Silverthorn, who can be contacted by E-mail here and Janet Matkin, who can be contacted by E-mail here.


Notre Dame de l’Assomption

23 rue Larade

31200 Toulouse

Note the church entrance is in Rue Clausade